More DX pictures

suck it!
From the EARLY days of DX: HHH, HBK, and Chyna.
The new beginning:
After Shawn Michael's loss to Austin, HHH re-forms DX
the "new" dx
Taking on wCw and the world. Declaring war!
DX rides again
After a hiatus brought about by Triple H turning on his friends at WM 15, The group re-forms in '99. This time taking on a darker tone. They are not interested in breaking the rules, they want to take over the WWF. The group takes on a "heel" role.

After the biggest coup in WWF history, HHH marries into the McMahon family. Stephanie joins the group as they destroy almost anyone who gets in their way. This is the last true form of DX. They soon merge with Vince and several of his stooges to form the "mcmahon-helmsley faction". this group lasts several months, but one nite on smackdown, it all ends. after several losses blamed on billy gunn, the rest of the guys kick him out of the group. thus putting dx, the true dx, to rest.

The group(HHH,billy,road dogg, and chyna) re-unite on RAW. Thanks to Dogg's idea to help out HHH take on the Radicalz.

can it be???

just when you thought it was safe to watch RAW, the familar scope, green lights, and "are you ready?" appears, out comes HHH and Shawn Micheals, and give the old DX salute, but it was just another one of HHH's plots, he turns on his old friend and this begins a long bloody fued between the two of them. THIS signals the final end of DX.

Both Road Dogg and Xpac have gone to the NWA-TNA promotion. Billy Gunn is still in the WWE, and has gone back to "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn and is on the Smackdown brand. DX will never die as long as there are fans out there!