the DX story

The D Generation X story
The World Wrestling Federation is responsible for making D-Generation X better known as just DX. "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and "The Ninth Wonder Of The World" Chyna were the founders of DX ,although HBK called himself the leader. DX was founded in order to rebel against WWF orders. DX started telling Vince McMahon off way before "Stone Cold" Steve Austin did. DX did almost anything imaginable, from croth-pointing (their Suck It sign) to playing strip poker! Even with their Degenerate style of wrestling, they were able to win titles. HBK won the WWF Heavyweight title and HHH won the European title. Then DX had hard times.

Mike Tyson came into the WWF temporarily and became friends with DX, at least friends with HBK. HHH stated that he had warned HBK about Mike Tyson. At Wrestlemania 14 Stone Cold got a title shot at HBK. HHH and Chyna were not allowed to interfere or even be at ring side. Vince McMahon said the special guest referee was to be Mike Tyson considering the fact that Mike was in DX. Mike told HBK that he would not count 1-2-3 if HBK was pinned. As the match's end grew near. Stone Cold hit HBK with the Stone Cold stunner and pinned HBK. Mike would not count at first, but then he did a very very fast 1-2-3 count. Stone Cold was then the the WWF Heavyweight Champion. HBK jumped up after a few minutes and confronted Mike Tyson right the face. Then all of a sudden Mike hit him with the Iron fist completely TKOing HBK. Turns out that this wasm'y even DX's biggest problem.

A few weeks later HBK was scheduled to battle the Undertaker in a "Hell in a Cell" match. HBK, being smaller and less powerful, became the target of destruction. If it had not been for Kane, then HBK would have been totally demolished. Sadley, HBK had to retire because of the severe injuries.

But these happenings weren't going to stop HHH and Chyna. He quickley formed a new DX. He brought back his long-time buddy X-Pac. X-Pac had been in WCW as Syxx and before that in the WWF as the 1-2-3 Kid. The new DX consisted of HHH, Chyna, X-Pac, "Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn. Jesse James and Billy Gunn were known as The New Age Outlaws. The new had became pretty successful. They were one of the popular groups , making #1 favorite group in PRO WRESTLING month after month. At one time HHH had the Intercontinental Champions, X-Pac had the European Championship, and The New Age Outlaws had the WWF Tag Team Championship. DX had feuded with the Nation of Domination to win these titles. DX has also had a lot of "splits". Their "splits" were only their "moons" to the crowd after they worked everything out.

DX split up with HHH turning on his long-time friend X-pac. X-pac was facing Shane McMahon for the European Title at WM 15. Earlier that nite, Triple H re-united with Chyna after she left DX to join the Vince's Corporation. HHH ran in and gave X-pac the pedigree. Soon after, Billy turned on his friends. X-pac and Road Dogg kept the DX name alive, barely. They even had a match with the rights of DX as the prize. They took on Billy an d Chyna and finally won.
Then, on Oct. 25, 1999 during a match where HHH was taking on the Rock and Austin, DX was re-born with x-pac running to help his friend. Billy and Road Dogg, who had re-united two weeks before, ran in as well. The episode of Raw ended with the four of them standing on each ring post holding a DX jersey.
the DX fold grew with the marriage of HHH to Stephanie McMahon. Billy Gunn was kicked out of the group due to many losses that were his fault. DX has joined forces Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, and the stooges, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco. This new group was called The McMahon-Helsmley Faction. This was the beginning of the end of DX, the true DX.

X-pac was on the shelf due to an injury, Road Dogg changed his gimmick to a rapper. Which wasnt as good. there was a re-union of sorts howover. Road Dogg and his new partner, K-Kwik, teamed up with Billy and Chyna to take on the Radicalz. The only acknowledgment to DX was billy and road doggs "x high five" to each other. After this match, the group never really associated with each other.

That is, untill one nite on Raw when HHH had a match agains the Radicals. Road Dogg came up with an idea for HHH. After the Radicalz made their way to the ring, the lights went down and the familiar oscilliscope flashed across the Titan-tron. The DX music hit, and there were the four: HHH, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg and Chyna. They went on to win the match. A one-nite only last ride. That was the last time DX were together